How to choose a hosting for a site

Which hosting to choose for a site on WordPress or for an online store on Tilda? And for an informational or regional bulletin board? In each case, the choice of hosting provider is made depending on the complexity of the project.

Basically, our specialists use the services of virtual hosting for projects of medium load. This allows you to transfer part of the technical support of the project to the host (the client does not need to pay for the work of an individual employee), and also makes it possible to “relocate” painlessly in case of server outages or to obtain more favorable conditions from another company.

In free website hosting, as a rule, the only good thing is that they are free. You can use free hosting services, but carefully, although neither optimizers nor SEO programmers recommend doing this. In addition to the low level of technical characteristics and the same quality of the support service, any resource (virus infected, black SEO website, illegal ILV, etc.) may lie next to your site. And all these “charms” can affect your project.

Another important minus is no liability and no guarantees. At any moment, the site may “collapse”, and no one will restore or return the files and data of the web application. Or, owners can suddenly make a recovery service paid and even after full payment do not return anything that was on the server.

The only case where it makes sense to use free servers is to conduct seo experiments. But even in this case, the decision about which free hosting to choose should be taken carefully. Analyze at least one rating of free hosting services (there are plenty of them in the network) and select the suitable one.

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